Packing the Hospital Bag: Baby's First Laying

A pregnancy is a very special process, full of excitement and planning so that everything is perfectly ready for the baby's arrival.

The last few weeks are always full of nerves and excitement. It is an unforgettable time, a unique combination of anticipation and anxiety that culminates when we welcome a new member of the family.

The last period of pregnancy is the ideal time to plan some essential details for the baby's arrival. As well as the equipment you will need at home, it is no less important to prepare your suitcase for the hospital, with the essentials you will need both for the mother when she gives birth and for the baby when it arrives into the world.

Foresight in this regard will help you to have everything you need to hand and will give you peace of mind so that you can focus solely on the wellbeing of the mother and baby arriving.

Want to know what are the essentials for your hospital bag and baby's first outfit? 

Here are our tips for you to have everything ready when you go to the hospital to give birth.

Essential items for the mother in the hospital delivery bag

This is the time to care for the mother and focus on her needs to make her as comfortable and relaxed as possible. Childbirth is always a complex situation, both physically and emotionally, so the mother will feel much more comfortable if she has understanding and support in every way.

Some of the items that will be useful for the mother and should be included in her hospital bag are as follows:

Comfortable clothes for the hospital

It is essential for the mother to be able to wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes in soft fabrics, preferably cotton. Nightdresses, dresses or pyjamas that are easy to put on and take off and that allow breastfeeding will also be useful.

It is likely that you will receive visits from family members, so keep in mind that the clothes should be comfortable but also beautiful, which will help the mother feel more self-confident in these moments of vulnerability.

Nursing bras

Nursing bras are comfortable because they offer support and make breastfeeding easier, so it is important to have them handy. In a mother's hospital bag, there should be at least one for use and a spare.

Well-equipped toiletry bag

In a pregnancy hospital bag, a well-equipped toiletry bag is essential to ensure the mother's well-being: toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, a hairbrush, moisturiser... Some mothers even feel more comfortable if they have a few make-up essentials on hand to welcome visitors. 

Articles for baby's first laying

Baby's first outfit is an unforgettable moment, so it's important that you choose the clothes you're going to dress him in wisely. They should be appropriate for their size and, above all, respectful of their skin. For the rest, choose the baby boy or girl clothes that you like the most, knowing that these moments will become part of the history of your lives.

Basic clothing for newborns

Bodysuits or baby rompers are one of the most practical garments. They are comfortable, easy to put on and perfect for keeping baby warm and protected.

Pyjamas are another essential item of clothing for a baby from day one. Choose them in 100% cotton and include several to have spares.

Socks, booties, beanies and mittens for newborns are also essential in the hospital suitcase, as they help to maintain the baby's body temperature.

Nappies and toiletries

Hygiene items for the baby will also be essential from the very beginning. Pack a bag with nappies, wipes and other items you may need. 

Other essentials for your hospital bag

In addition to items for mother and baby, please note that you may also find it useful to carry the following:

Useful documentation when going to the hospital to give birth

Make sure you have all the necessary documents with you, such as your ID card, SIP or any additional information that may be useful, such as your birth plan.

Chargers and electronic devices

It is very likely that you will want to stay in touch with the people closest to you, so a mobile phone and charger will be essential essentials at this time. 

Snacks and drinks

Although there is a food service in hospitals, you will find it useful to have some snacks and drinks on hand, both for the wait during the birth and to recharge your batteries.

With these tips, take the courage to pack your hospital bag and rest assured that everything is ready for one of the most important days of your lives.