8M | Tutto Piccolo is a story of women.

Why is International Women's Day celebrated on March 8?

For more than 100 years, March 8 is a day that celebrates the rights achieved by women in all areas and commemorates the long history of struggles and sacrifices to achieve them. . Currently, during this day, marches and demonstrations are organized around the world to denounce that there is still a long way to go.


The basis of Tutto Piccolo's success.
A team made up of more than 80 people (90% of which are women).

And today, we are curious, why do it precisely on March 8? If we look back, we find more than one historical precedent, and it is not clear which was the most decisive.


Key dates that set a precedent

In March 1857, within the framework of the Industrial Revolution, the workers of a textile factory in New York took to the streets to protest en masse against the harsh working conditions. Although it is true that at that time the working conditions of all workers were very harsh, the precariousness was especially felt by the female part of the sector, whose salaries could be less half of those of men just because they are women. The protests ended with the violent intervention of the police against the protesters, but that demonstration set a first precedent thanks to its great impact.

In 1907 the first International Conference of Socialist Women took place in Stuttgart , Germany, led by Clara Zetkin, where the Socialist Women's International was founded. One of the first objectives they pursued was women's suffrage.


The first International Women's Day

To show support for the strike that textile workers carried out in New York in 1908 – a strike that, along with that of 1857, would go down in history – in 1909 An organization of Socialist Women celebrated the first International Women's Day in the United States. Although it was only followed in New York and Chicago, it is estimated that some 15,000 women participated in a march that toured New York City.


In 1910, the second International Socialist Women's meeting took place in Copenhagen, Denmark. On this occasion, it was proposed to set a symbolic day – around March 8 – that would serve to vindicate the rights of all women, mainly the right to vote. The following year, International Women's Day was celebrated for the first time on March 19 in some European countries such as Germany, Austria, Denmark and Switzerland.


The great conflicts of a hundred years as turbulent as the 20th century helped to strengthen the role of women, and throughout the following decades many women's organizations from other countries joined the demands that were carried out during the month of March. Until in 1975 the UN officially recognized the day.


It is true that it is not easy to pinpoint a single event as the reason why March 8 was chosen, which is why it must be understood as a joint struggle, an effort prolonged over time.


Thus, it is understood how each generation has inherited the duty to fight for its rights and for those of future generations .


For you and for us. 💜